The Odisha government's Subhadra Yojana is set to release its 4th installment after January 15, according to Deputy Chief Minister Parvathi Parida. This announcement comes after the survey period was extended from December 30 to January 15.¹
Here are the key highlights of the Subhadra Yojana update:
- Eligibility: The scheme is open to married women aged 21-60 from low-income families.
- Financial Assistance: Beneficiaries will receive ₹50,000 over five years, with annual installments of ₹10,000.
- Registration: The registration process will continue until the last eligible beneficiary of the village applies.
- Approved Applications: Over 1 crore 6 lakh applications have been registered, with 80,29,7421 people having their applications approved and receiving ₹5,000 in the first installment.
Parida also mentioned that even if applications are made on March 30, beneficiaries will receive two installments of money at once. The last date to get the first installment was March 8, but applications made after March 30 will still be eligible for the first installment.