Odisha records highest ever collection of SGST with mop up of Rs 2791.45 Cr during Nov

  • Dec 01, 2023
Odisha News:Odisha-records-highest-ever-collection-of-SGST-with-mop-up-of-Rs-279145-Cr-during-Nov
Bhubaneswar, Dec 1:

 Odisha has recorded the highest ever collection of State GST (OGST + IGST Settlement) with a collection of Rs. 2791.45 Cr during November 2023 against a corresponding collection of 1390.36 Cr recorded during November ’22 registering a phenomenal growth rate of 100.77 per cent.

The progressive collection of State GST (OGST + IGST Settlement) upto the month of November 2023 is Rs 14913.16 Cr against a collection of Rs. 11719.64 Cr upto November 2022 registering a growth rate of 27.25 per cent.

The collection under all Acts monitored by the Commissionerate of CT & GST, Odisha including OGST/ IGST Settlement / VAT/ Entry Tax and Profession Tax

during November 23 is Rs. 3856.72 Cr against a collection of Rs. 2308.92 Cr during November 2022 with a growth rate of 67.04 per cent. 

The progressive collection under all Acts upto November 2023 is Rs. 22510.56 Cr with a growth rate of 18.91 per cent over corresponding collection till November 22.

With regard to Gross GST collection (CGST+ IGST+ SGST+ Cess), the State has recorded a collection of Rs. 4295.08 Cr during November ‘23 against collection of Rs 4162.26 Cr during November 2022 with a growth rate of 3.19 per cent. 

The progressive Gross GST collection during FY 2023-24 (till November 23) is Rs. 35188.25 Cr with growth of 9.75% over. corresponding period of FY 2022-23.

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