Tributes were paid to former Prime Minister Late Manmohan Singh at Lok Seva Bhavan on Friday. Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi led the tributes, offering floral respects to a photo of the late leader.¹
The Chief Minister expressed his sadness at the demise of Dr. Singh, who was renowned globally for his economic expertise. Dr. Singh's liberal economic policies propelled India to a prominent position in the world economy, and his tenure as Prime Minister accelerated the country's development.
Forest Environment and Climate Change Department minister Shri Ganesh Ram Singhkhuntia, former MLA Nauri Nayak, and other senior officials also paid their respects to the late Dr. Singh.
This tribute is one of many that have poured in from across the country, with leaders from various parties and organisations expressing their condolences and admiration for Dr. Singh's legacy.